Class List
Here are the classes, structs, unions and interfaces with brief descriptions:
[detail level 12]
 CNameModulePairStruct to contain the elements of factory lookup table
 CFactoryBaseBase class that factory is derived from
 CLoom_ADS1115ADS1115 External ADC sensor module
 CLoom_AnalogAnalog pin manager module
 CLoom_AS7262AS7262 Visible spectrum spectral sensor module
 CLoom_AS7263AS7263 Near Infrared spectrum spectral sensor module
 CLoom_AS7265XAS72625X 3 Spectrum (Visible, near IR, UV) spectral sensor module
 CLoom_BatchSDBatch SD logging platform module
 CLoom_BluetoothBluetooth communication platform module
 CLoom_Decagon5TMDecagon 5TM soil moisture sensor module
 CLoom_DecagonGS3Decagon GS3 soil moisture sensor module
 CLoom_DigitalDigital pin manager module
 CLoom_DS3231DS3231 RTC module
 CLoom_EthernetInternetPlat built off of SSLClient running over an Ethernet Featherwing
 CLoom_FXAS21002FXAS21002 3-Axis Gyroscope sensor module
 CLoom_FXOS8700FXOS8700 3-Axis Acceleromter/Magnetometer sensor module
 CLoom_GoogleSheetsModule taking in and translating JSON into data understood by the Google Sheets script API
 CLoom_Interrupt_ManagerSubmanager for managing interrupts, timers, and stopwatches
 CLoom_K30K30 CO2 sensor module
 CLoom_LIS3DHLIS3DH Accelerometer sensor module
 CLoom_LoRaLoRa communication platform module
 CLoom_LTELTE InternetPlat
 CLoom_MAX31855MAX31855 thermocouple temperature module
 CLoom_MAX31856MAX31856 thermocouple module
 CLoom_MaxPubModule taking in and translating JSON into data understood by the Google Sheets script API
 CLoom_MaxSubModule for receiving data from Max
 CLoom_MB1232MB1232 Sonar sensor module
 CLoom_MMA8451MMA8451 accelerometer sensor module
 CLoom_MPU6050MPU6050 6 axis gyroscope and accelerometer sensor module
 CLoom_MS5803MS5803 Atmospheric Pressure / Temperature sensor module
 CLoom_MultiplexerMultiplexer manager for interfacing with multiple I2C sensors
 CLoom_NeopixelNeopixel tri-color LED actuator module
 CLoom_nRFNordic Radio communication platform module
 CLoom_OLEDOLED logging platform module
 CLoom_PCF8523PCF8523 RTC module
 CLoom_RelayRelay actuator module
 CLoom_SDSD logging platform module
 CLoom_ServoServo actuator module
 CLoom_SHT31DSHT31D Temperature / Humidty sensor module
 CLoom_Sleep_ManagerSubmanager to manage sleep functionality
 CLoom_STEMMAAdafruit Stemma soil moisture sensor
 CLoom_StepperStepper actuator module
 CLoom_TMP007TMP007 thermopile temperature sensor module
 CLoom_TSL2561TSL2561 Luminosity sensor module
 CLoom_TSL2591TSL2591 Lux sensor module
 CLoom_WiFiWiFi InternetPlat
 CLoom_ZXGestureZXGesture position / gesture sensor module
 CLoomActuatorAbstract base class of actuator modules
 CLoomCommPlatAbstract base of communication platform modules
 CLoomFactoryFactory is used by LoomManager when parsing Json to match module names to their associated constructors, and calling with parameters from the Json
 CLoomI2CSensorAbstract root for I2C sensor modules
 CLoomInternetPlatAbstract internet communication module
 CClientCleanupSimply close the socket when the client dissapears, we don't want to delete the object because the client needs to cache sessions
 CUDPDeletorClose the socket and delete the UDP object when the unique ptr dissapears
 CLoomLogPlatAbstract base of logging platforms
 CLoomManagerManager to contain Loom modules and provide users with a simpler API
 CLoomModuleAbstract root of Loom component modules inheritance hierarchy
 CLoomNTPSyncGlue code to synchronize an RTC using an InternetPlat
 CLoomPublishPlatAbstract internet publishing module, implementing google sheets and mongodb functionality
 CLoomRTCAbstract base class of RTC modules
 CLoomSDI12SensorAbstract base class for SDI12 sensor modules
 CLoomSensorAbstract root of Loom sensor modules hierarchy
 CLoomSerialSensorAbstract root for Serial/UART sensor modules
 CLoomSPISensorAbstract base class for SPI sensor modules
 CLoomSubscribePlatAbstract subscribe platform module
 CLoomTempSyncUsed to synchronize temperatures between sensors that read sensors and modules that need it
 Cmodule_sort_compUsed by LoomManager to sort modules in its vector